LPC (Trull) Ltd
Our specialist team are qualified to provide you with a wide range of professional planning services.
Our Services
About Our Services
- Planning Applications
We specialise in the preparation of a wide range of planning applications for minor, major and householder developments. This includes organising Community Consultation Events, negotiating with the Local Authority and managing the application through to formal determination.
- Prior Approval Applications
We prepare a variety of Notification for Prior Approval applications. These include changes of use of agricultural buildings, commercial storage buildings, offices and retail premises to residential use. We also prepare applications for new agricultural buildings under Permitted Development.
- Planning and Enforcement Appeals
We are frequently instructed to pursue appeals against the refusal of Planning Permission and against Enforcement Notices. This includes Public Inquiries and Hearings in addition to Written Representations.
- Listed Building Consent Applications
We are experienced at advising our clients about all types of Heritage Asset issues, including Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings and their setting. We regularly prepare Listed Building Consent applications and Statements of Significance to support them.
- Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan Representations
We can promote sites for inclusion in a Local Plan or a Neighbourhood Plan by preparing written representations and we can attend Public Examinations to give evidence when required.
- Certificates of Lawfulness
We prepare these applications and can assist with the preparation of Statutory Declarations and assembling the necessary evidence to achieve a successful result.
- Site Appraisals and Advice
We can provide well-researched planning advice in relation to a site’s development potential. This includes thoroughly researching a site’s planning history, relevant Development Plan policies, and any other environmental or infrastructure constraints.
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