Single Storey Dwelling

Case Study

  • Project: Appeal Case Study
  • Case Study: Appeal Planning In Bristol

Case Study

This is an example of a successful appeal for a single storey dwelling in a residential area.  The design solution sought to make an efficient use of land by creating a high standard of residential accommodation. The imaginative architectural response to the constrained site also included adequate provision for external amenity, car parking, and refuse and cycle storage. 

    The appeal was determined under the written representations’ procedure, and the main issues were the effect on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, and the living conditions for future occupants in terms of natural light and outlook.

    The Inspector allowed the appeal, and concluded that the facing materials, elevational style and roof design would harmonise with the character of the buildings in the surrounding area. In addition, the Inspector found that there would be a good standard of outlook and natural light to the lounge and bedroom of the new dwelling, and that whilst other parts of the house would have less than optimal levels of outlook, these areas comprised the kitchen, study and bathroom within which access to outlook is not as critical as it would be within the principal habitable spaces.

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