Agricultural Storage Building Conversion Case Study
- Project: Prior Approval Applications
- Case Study: Agricultural Building Conversion in Wiltshire
Case Study
This case study relates to the conversion of a large agricultural storage building into a new 4-bedroom dwelling, sited in an isolated location in the Wiltshire countryside. This was achieved pursuant to Class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) (“the GPDO”).
In order to secure the approval, we made an appropriate Prior Approval application bring together the various other consultant’s inputs and were able to successfully demonstrate to the Council that the proposal satisfied the relevant requirements and limitations of Class Q of the GPDO.

Specifically, we were able to refer to National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) and relevant case law, including the Hibbitt case to show that the structural works involved in converting the building did not exceed the terms of the Permitted Development Rights.
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