This appeal was made against the non-determination of Sedgemoor District Council to grant permission for the erection of 46 new dwellings with garages, and formation of new access. The site presented a challenge, given it is bordered by the Walrow Road on one side, and railway line on another. However, through working in conjunction with the architects of the scheme, Della Valle Ltd, a successful development has been created based on sound urban design principles, which creates a character and sense of place of its own. The main issues at the appeal where identified as being the effect on flood risk and on highway safety. With regard to flood issue, additional information was provided by consultants RMA Environmental that addressed the concerns raised by third parties to the satisfaction of the Inspector. Additionally, regarding the issue of highway safety, the Inspector commented that “while the site access would approach Walrow Road on an incline, it appeared to me that adequate visibility would be available in both directions”. . The Inspector was therefore satisfied to allow the appeal.
Please click here to read the full Inspector’s decision